Terms of Service

Welcome to the eepss.net website ("Site") and the associated software product ("Software"). By using this Site and Software, you agree to adhere to the following terms and conditions.

1. Ownership and Usage

The Site, owned and operated by EEPSS llc ("we," "us," or "our"), is protected by copyright and intellectual property laws. All content, including text, images, software, and code ("Content"), is subject to these terms, and you may only use the Site and its Content as expressly permitted herein.

You agree not to use the Site in a manner that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair it, nor interfere with others' use. Unauthorized access attempts are strictly prohibited.

To download the Software, user's guide, or make a purchase, account registration is required. You are responsible for providing accurate information and maintaining the security of your account, including your password.

Your interactions or feedback may be used to enhance the Site and Software. We exclusively own all improvements and feedback, and you relinquish rights associated with any such developments without recourse.

2. Purchases and Pricing

All purchases are subject to Software-specific terms and these conditions. Prices may change without notice, and we are not liable for typographical errors. Order processing is subject to our discretion, and we may cancel orders for any reason.

3. Refund Policy

Free Trial
We offer a free trial for users to assess our software. This trial is provided without obligation, encouraging users to thoroughly evaluate its features.

No Refunds
Purchases made after the free trial period are considered final, and no refunds will be issued. Users are encouraged to make informed decisions during the trial period.

Users can cancel their subscription at any time, preventing future billing. However, no refunds will be provided for the remaining subscription period.

4. Availability, Modifications, and Liability

The Site and Software are provided "as is" and "as available," without warranties. Users assume all associated risks. We reserve the right to modify, suspend, or discontinue the Site or its Content at any time without notice.

We may change these terms and reserve the right to terminate your access to the Site at any time, without notice, for any reason.

We are not liable for damages resulting from your use of the Site, Content, or Software, including direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages.

By using this Site and the Software, you as the user acknowledge that you have read and understand these terms of service and agree to be bound by them.